How it Works

Initial Call
Contact our office by calling one of our patient liaisons at (312) 361-2153 or submitting a request online. The surgical process, logistics, and insurance will be discussed, along with answers to any general questions.

Send Us Your Information
You will receive an email from us outlining where you can send your most recent x-rays and paperwork to complete. If you do not have recent x-rays, we’re happy to send you an order to take new images locally. Once the completed paperwork and x-rays are received, we will contact you immediately to schedule your virtual consultation.

Video Call
You will receive an email from us outlining where you can send your most recent x-rays and paperwork to complete. If you do not have recent x-rays, we’re happy to send you an order to take new images locally. Once the completed paperwork and x-rays are received, we will contact you immediately to schedule your virtual consultation.

If you’re a candidate for surgery and would like to proceed, our patient liaison will contact you to arrange the specifics. We provide comprehensive information for the procedure, medical clearance, and the virtual pre-operative teaching class you will attend.

Surgical Procedure
You’ve made it to Chicago! You will meet Dr. Berger and our team the day before your scheduled procedure in person. Expect to have new x-rays taken, receive your post-operative medications, and have any pending questions answered. Once your surgery is performed, we ask you to stay in town at a nearby hotel for 48 hours before flying home. We will send a physical therapist to your hotel room during this time, ensuring your recovery is off to a good start.

We would like to see you for a three-week post-operative appointment; this can be done in person or virtually. Otherwise, your remaining recovery is completed locally! We will arrange two weeks of in-home physical therapy and four weeks of outpatient therapy. Post-operatively, you have immediate, open communication with our team.